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Jazz/Ambient/Fusion album by The Inner Urge

What you're getting:
 - Digital Download of The Inner Urge's self-titled debut album
 - That warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you support independant artists


   ◦    Alex Price (Johnstown, PA) - guitar / violin
   ◦    Michael Garbett (Pittsburgh, PA) - vibraphone / percussion
   ◦    Andrew Koss (New York, NY) - bass / synthesizer
   ◦    Jesse Griffith (Philadelphia, PA) - drumset
Artwork by Suzanne Brown
Recording/Mixing/Mastering by Alex Price
Released March 24th, 2018

“Combining flighty melody lines and dark undertones, "Norwegian" sets the stage for a very ambitious record that uses elements of jazz, ambient and post-rock music to convey some interesting ideas.”

- Zack Desantis, The Reading Eagle

"There’s a lot more instrumental bands out there (especially in the jazz/fusion world, outside of instrumental metal and it’s many subgeneres) I think these guys stand out so much especially with a debut album."

- Dave Jurenovich, Technical Music Review 

"The particular blend styles here is unlike anything I’ve heard. The production is solid. The instruments blend well. The talent is showcased without turning into a shredding contest. I hear shades of Allan Holdsworth, of Herbie Hancock, Jon Luc Ponty, and other greats of the genre. An excellent record."
 - Issues Magazine

The Inner Urge self-titled (digital download)


20% off an order of $80+

  • The tracks in this download come in .mp3 format. If you'd prefer a lossless format like .m4a or .wav, reply to the email you recieve upon purchase and I'll hook you up at no extra charge.
    If you're interested in the stems for whatever project you're working on, reach out through the contact form on my website.

  • No problem. Total up your order and send it to

    Important: In the notes or "comment" section, list which items you are paying for, as well as your email address so I know what and where to send everything. If you're able to, sending the payment as "friends & family" is nice since it means PayPal won't take their normal fee out of it. I appreciate it!

    This method requires me to respond manually to each email. Response time is usually under 24 hours.

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